Board of Fisheries Comments Cutoff November 13th: ATA supports Proposals 258 & 259 – REVISED

Public Comments on Proposal 257 through 259, need to be posted to the ADFG BoF website by and before November 13th. Due to recent technical glitches experienced at ADFG, please do not wait until the last day to submit them.

While all 3 ACR’s got scheduled at the Anchorage meeting early October, ATA is focusing on and resoundingly supports ACR 13, which is Proposal 259, and we welcome your public comment via the ADFG website.

ACR 13, now Proposal 259, was introduced by Dave Richey (FV Albee Rose) and Monique Wilkinson (FV Joseph). Proposal 259’s intent is to rectify a critical language omission in regulation from the hard-fought RC 178. By simply omitting two words, “sport fishery”, ADFG removed the management guideline of the 80/20 split. Proposal 259 seeks to reinstate this guideline.

Although the agreement (RC 178) did not say “no in-season management” that is the outcome of removing these 2 words. The omission in this strategic regulation removes this management guideline split, and effectively, the 20% cap on sport Chinook harvest. Without adoption of Proposal 259, there is a perpetual potential of an open-ended annual reallocation away from troller king harvests (and other gear groups) by the non-resident sport sector. Though RC 178 should have been reproduced verbatim in regulation it was not and is currently found in ADFG regulation without the key phrase “sport fishery harvest ceiling”.

Keep in mind: Until 2020 sports fishing was always managed in-season. We do NOT want to re-open negotiations at this point in time – We only ask for the agreed outcome of our negotiations at the 2022 BOF, Proposal 259.