Board of Directors & Staff

Board of Directors

Cody Cowan, President
F/V Megan, Ketchikan

Matt Donohoe, Vice President
F/V Helen A, At Large

Thatcher Brouwer, Secretary
F/V Deep Sea, At Large

Tyler Emerson, Treasurer
F/V Natalee K

Dave Richey
F/V Albee Rose, Sitka

Brett Stillwaugh, Wrangell / Petersburg
F/V McKenna S, Wrangell

Larry Bemis
F/V Dove, Yakutat

Casey Mapes, Hand Troll
F/V Alaskan Tyrennus, Yakutat

Devon Thornhill
F/V Northern Star II, Washington

Patrick Baum, Northern Rural
F/V Deep Sea, Juneau, AK 


Treaty Team
Deborah Lyons, F/V Kraken
Dennis Watson, F/V Myra
Transboundary Rivers Panel
Jacob Miller, F/V Karrie Lee

ATA Staff
Amy Daugherty, Executive Director

Contact Information
Alaska Trollers Association
130 Seward Street #205
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 586-9400