ATA is Intervening on the Wild Fish Conservancy Lawsuit

April 21, 2020

In a unanimous vote last night, the ATA board voted to insert itself into the defense of the lawsuit filed in mid-March and its subsequent injunction against King salmon fishing via NMFS, and the troll fishery specifically. Becoming an intervenor is important to ensure that the interest of our membership is represented and our way of life is protected.

While we also rely on the involvement of NMFS and ADFG, we are confident that hiring Thane Tienson of Portland, OR, will produce the best outcome for trollers. Thane has extensive background, over 40 years, successfully defending many commercial fishing interest in ESA-related matters. His firm currently represents the Coastal Trollers in a similar lawsuit.

This frivolous lawsuit puts the short and long term future of our coastal communities and our small fishery businesses at serious risk. ATA is stepping up to the plate on behalf of SE Alaska economy, all power and hand trollers, and all commercial interests that harvest king salmon. ATA just happens to be the target this time.

We have a lot of fundraising to do. The ATA board and staff had zero opportunity to fundraise before hiring an attorney so we are doing so simultaneously. Please “dig deep” and donate to our legal fund now. WFC is doing just that now.

Go to: to find our paypal button or send a check to ATA, 130 Seward Street # 205, Juneau, AK 99801. We can also take credit cards over the phone.