Month: February 2022
2021 Tax Deduction for ATA memberships & contribution is 98%
As you know, a small percentage cannot be expensed due to our lobbying efforts so multiply your ATA dues and contributions by .98.
ADFG Announces Higher Tier / More Kings For Trollers
Thankfully this year trollers will have a higher allocation of kings, 44,700 more kings. The last PST agreement distributed allocation into Tiers. For 2022, we are in the next higher tier. Here is the link to the ADFG announcement pdf.
BoF Meeting back in Anchorage. 3/10-3/22
ATTENTION TROLLERS NEEDED TO TESTIFY IN ANCHORAGEWhile it’s uncertain which day(s) will contain the salmon issues, our best bet is the 16th or 17th of March in Anchorage. While we realize this location is inconvenient, it is imperative that the board…