On May 2, 2023, Judge Jones ruled on the WFC lawsuit. Attached is the order we received. This order adopts Judge Peterson recommendations, vacating the Incidental Take Statement that governs the SEAK summer and winter fisheries.
The Court’s order will cause irreparable harm to the communities of Southeast Alaska with no measurable benefit to Southern Resident Killer Whales.
Our ATA attorney is working with the State of Alaska and the United States (NMFS) in evaluating potential next steps. The ATA board will be relying on our counsel to advise us of our legal options and more information will be posted to our website as to our next step by the end of this week: www.aktrollers.org
We are prepared to appeal this ruling. The ATA will continue to fight for the way of lives of its members and the communities of Southeast Alaska.
Thanks to all our supporters who contributed to the ATA legal fund as we will be needing it.
Press Contact:
Amy Daugherty, ATA Director
(907) 723-2244