ATA Legal Fund Contributors From: Municipalities, Businesses and Organization

City and Business Legal contributions updated as of 3/22/23
Municipalities / Businesses / Organizations

Sitka Salmon Shares2,500
City of Craig5,000
ALFA (+3000 in-kind since) 2,000
NSRAA (of which $75k is recent)100,000
Chinook Futures2,995.50
Pacific Salmon Treaty Fund5,000
City of Pelican2,500
Hames Corporation (SeaMart)8,000
LFS 15,000
Sitka Sound Seafoods (+$2500 in-kind)10,000
Elks Lodge – Sitka22,326
SPC (+ in-kind $2500)20,000
Qi Hooks1,000
Current Navigation500
The Office Bar – Hoonah500
City of Hoonah5,000
City of Sitka25,000
City of Port Alexander500
EC Phillips5,000
City of Ketchikan (very recent)25,000
Ketchikan Borough (very recent)25,000
Craig Tribal Association5,000
Yakobi Fish500
TOTAL that came in / or on its way for WFC lawsuit315,821.50