About Us


To preserve, promote, and perpetuate the fishing industry in Alaska. To that end, we work for conservation, sound management, good public policy, and safety at sea for the general welfare and mutual benefit of all.


ATA was formed in 1925 to represent Alaska salmon trollers. Since that time, ATA has seen the fleet through many significant events, from Statehood to the advent of Limited Entry, the Pacific Salmon Treaty, and the Endangered Species Act.

ATA members elect 12 power and up to 2 hand troll representatives who serve for two-year terms. The board seats are geographically assigned. ATA primarily represents trollers, but works on behalf of the entire industry through many collaborative efforts.

ATA maintains a close working relationship with fishery managers and others who help protect the resource. We occasionally take on large projects to help improve data and support the fleet, like the ATA logbookand call-in programs, or participate in cooperative projects such as efforts to help restore habitat in the Klawock watershed, or recover and report illegal high seas fishing gear.

ATA is actively engaged in the current fish farm debate in both the US and Canada and a few years back worked with processors to develop the Real Salmon marketing promotion, which helped recapture some of our hook and line market share that had been affected by allocations and farmed fish. ATA also tends to a long list of other industry issues.

Given our history, depth of knowledge and experience on the multitude of regulatory and habitat issues impacting the troll fleet, we think you’ll find that there is simply no other organization better suited than ATA to chart the course ahead.

Our Priorities

Board of Fisheries

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Endangered Species Act

Offshore Aquaculture

USCG Regulations

EPA / DEC Regulations

Sportfish Issues

Marketing / Quality

High Seas Interception


Learn more about the issues.

Board of Directors & Staff

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