The Alaska Trollers Association, on behalf of its members and all residents of Southeast Alaska are grateful for the Ninth Circuit’s ruling that averted economic and cultural disaster for the communities in Southeast Alaska. The Trollers are also grateful for the support of the State of Alaska, our Congressional Delegation and the Southeast Alaska Native Coalition, composed of the Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Angoon Community Association, Chilkat Indian Village, Chilkoot Indian Association, Craig Tribal Association, Hoonah Indian Association, Ketchikan Indian Community, Klawock Cooperative Association, Metlakatla Indian Community, Organized Village of Kake, Organized Village of Kasaan, Petersburg Indian Association, Sitka Tribe of Alaska, Skagway Traditional Council, Wrangell Cooperative Association, Yakutat Tlingit Tribe, Alaska Native Brotherhood, Alaska Native Sisterhood, Haida Corporation, Huna Totem Corporation, Kake Tribal Corporation, Klawock Heenya, Kootznoowoo Incorporated, Sealaska Corporation, Shaan Seet Incorporated, and Shee Atiká Incorporated.
ATA will continue to fight for its members and the communities of Southeast Alaska, consistent with our longstanding commitment to conservation and stewardship.
Amy Daugherty
Executive Director
Alaska Trollers Association
130 Seward Street #205
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 957-8004