2020 Statewide Salmon Fishery Disaster Plan Finalized Including Trollers

The final draft Spend Plan for funds appropriated to address the 2020 Norton Sound, Yukon River, Kuskokwim River, Chignik, Southeast Alaska; and 2021 Yukon River salmon disaster determination was transmitted to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) on April 14, 2023, and can be viewed at the following link:


The spend plan informs the federal grant application submitted by PSMFC to NOAA Fisheries and is subject to change based on approval of the final grant. Once the grant has been approved by NOAA Fisheries and the White House Office of Management and Budget, the funds will be released to PSMFC and they can begin the application and distribution process. Fishery Disaster Program information will be posted to the PSMFC website: https://relief.psmfc.org/ as it becomes available.  

Trollers need to apply for these 2020 disaster funds at the above link.  ATA submitted recommendations to ADFG on behalf of the troll fleet, to earlier versions of this plan. 

Amy Daugherty
Executive Director 
Alaska Trollers Association
130 Seward Street #205
Juneau, AK  99801
(907) 957-8004