Month: March 2021
The AK CARES Act For Fisheries Participants application period is open. Applications Due by 4/30 (4/23 by mail)
The AK CARES Act For Fisheries Participants application period is open. Applications Due by 4/30 (4/23 by mail) Almost every region of Alaska suffered from the triple whammy of historically low returns, COVID-19 impacts and low prices in 2020. Thus,…
ATA Taglines – Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Southeast Alaska Board of Fisheries Meeting Dates Set January 4th through 15th, 2022 are the dates re-established by the Board of Fisheries yesterday for the Southeast and Yakutat Finfish and Shellfish meeting. The location is unchanged: at the Ted Ferry Civic Center, next to…
Should We Use 26-1/2″ Fork-Length Instead of 28″ Overall Length in Spring Fisheries? by Tad Fujioka, F/V Sakura
Adopting a fork-length minimum would be particularly beneficial during the spring fisheries due to physical changes in maturing Chinook. As kings near maturity their tails get squarer, making the fork length almost as long as the overall length. An immature…
ATA is happy to announce that the Judge ruled against the injunction filed by the Wild Fish Conservancy. We still have the central case to deal with but meanwhile this is great news! WILDLIFE-#350385-v1-Wild_Fish_Conservancy_–Order_on_Report_and_Recommendation
CARES Act – The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. | Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
CARES Act – The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. | Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Current Status as of March 1st, 2021. The Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act identified $300 million for fisheries and aquaculture.…