Success! Dennis Watson, former mayor of Craig, was appointed by the Governor to the Northern Panel of the Pacific Salmon Commission today. Dennis trolls the f/v Myra. ATA supported Dennis for this seat due to his long term leadership in Southeast Alaska and excellent working relationship with Deborah Lyons, our other troll representative on the Northern Panel. Congratulations Dennis! And thank you for offering to serve!
Also today ATA member Jacob Miller was appointed to the Transboundary Panel of the PS Commission. Jacob trolls the f/v Carrie Lee and also works at the Greens Creek mine. Congratulations Jacob! We look forward to working with you.
A special thanks to Tom Fisher for his many years of service on the Northern Panel. Tom trolls the f/v Aquarius and is a well-liked member of Treaty team “family” which concluded negotiations about 2 years ago. ATA provided two letters of support for Tom for his favorite potential SSRAA project at Connell Lake since the last Treaty agreement.
Thanks Tom for your work for trollers!